Sunday, July 25, 2010

People’s craze for Eureka Forbes products

Do you think customer service, especially after sales service, is as important as selling products? Of course, yes! And for companies that thrive amid multitudes of other companies in the same segment, achieving complete customer satisfaction holds immense importance to maintain the rapport as well as to increase the customer base. Eureka Forbes has been able to maintain its rapport ever since it introduced its series of products, viz. water purifiers, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, and security solutions. All aforementioned Eureka Forbes products are a rage not only in the Indian market but also other markets in Asia and the world.

For sending a Eureka Forbes service request online, just log on to the company’s corporate site,, click on the ‘after sales’ link on the top panel. You will be instantly transported to the Eureka Forbes service page. All you need to do is fill the details and send. You will receive prompt service right at your doorstep after a confirmation is made.

If you read the Eureka Forbes review to know about what users have to say about the Eureka Forbes products, you will come to know the significance, popularity, hi-technology, innovation, and lots more of all the variants and models. Once you read the review and once you read the features online, you will all be geared up to buy any or all of the aforementioned products from this company.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Catering to customer calls – continuous predicament

One continuous predicament that consumer products companies around the world face is handling of calls made by the customers. The calls generally centre on defects in products, technical problems, service problems, etc. And when customers do not get good response, their relationship with the particular company turn sour. And in the Internet world where consumers can voice their opinions and leave their comments whether positive or negative at the same time expressing their experiences, new buyers can read such reviews and then decide on buying a particular product. When it comes to water purifiers, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, and security systems it is Eureka Forbes that is riding herd. This is evident on reviews about the products as well as on Eureka Forbes customer service. Customer responses are given the highest priority and all customer calls are well attended and complaints including after sales service requests are well processed within the committed time frame. You won’t find any negative comments on the Eureka Forbes customer responses or Eureka Forbes after sales service in any of the reviews.

With increasing demand of the products and with the customer base increasing manifold, Eureka Forbes is planning to open more service centres across the country. And the Eureka Forbes customer care number - 3988 3333 – is accessible round the clock. You can also send requests or place a complaint online at, the company’s corporate site. Eureka Forbes believes on the philosophy that the customer is the king and its efforts are directed towards pleasing every customer.